
Summer Rules + Planning

Why hello!

It's been a while and I've been having an itch to get some ground rules and plans down for my kid's summer vacation (which started when they got out of school on June 1st!) I can't believe that my oldest will be in Second Grade in August and my middle child will be starting Pre-School in September. Ahh! Is it bad that I really look forward to the days when all three of my kids are in school? No, just me? I want to know what you think.

With that, I wanted to share something that I found on Pinterest a while back, but this is my own version of it. I plan to laminate my own copy and the kids can mark the items off with a dry erase markers. Then when the day is over, I can wipe it clean to prepare for the next day. I don't know about you.. but I love checklists. I swear something celebrates in my brain when I get to check something off.. even if its "take a nap" checking that off really helps me feel like I did something that day. lol

My oldest who is high functioning on the Autism spectrum does very well with calendars and schedules. So I know he'll be happy to have this as a reminder of things to do other than video games. I also like the idea of them finding something they can do to help someone in the family. Those moments of sweet, sincere (or maybe not-so-sincere.. lol) service really left an impression on me when I would seldom do these types of things.

You can download the pre-made Summer Rules here or you can download the blank Summer Rules here. I did a blank version, in case you have something that may work better with your kiddos. The blank copy can be edited by you adding text to it in Adobe Acrobat Pro only. This is my first ever editable file I've done. So.. if you have any issues, please feel free to leave a comment below or email me at: beckyflo@ppdesignco.com

Next, I decided to do a Summer Bucketlist printable for my kids. I want to know what they want to do this summer and all of us can consider their wants when planning other summer activities.

My kids really enjoyed coloring and writing on theirs. Well, my oldest two did. My two year old just scribbled on his. I love being a mom to three boys sometimes. They make me laugh.

To download My Summer Bucket List printable, click here

My main focus this summer is to continue adding cute new things to my Etsy shop, here, fight my stupid cancer, get good scan results later this month or July, and keep my kids alive. What about you? Do you have any thing already planned for your summer?

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